Orddeling av Cooper

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet Cooper? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av Cooper:

United States industrialist who built the first American locomotive
Founded Cooper Union in New York City to offer free courses in the arts and sciences (1791-1883)
United States film actor noted for his portrayals of strong silent heroes (1901-1961)
United States novelist noted for his stories of American Indians and the frontier life (1789-1851)
A craftsman who makes or repairs wooden barrels or tubs
Make barrels and casks

Synonym av Cooper:

noun Cooper, Peter Cooper, industrialist, philanthropist, altruist
noun Cooper, Gary Cooper, Frank Cooper, actor, histrion, player, thespian, role player
noun Cooper, James Fenimore Cooper, writer, author
nounbarrel maker, craftsman, artisan, journeyman, artificer
verb make

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