Orddeling av atypical

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet atypical? Ordet kan bli delt i 3 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av atypical:

Not representative of a group, class, or type
A group that is atypical of the target audience A class of atypical mosses Atypical behavior is not the accepted type of response that we expect from children
Deviating from normal expectations
Somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal These days large families are atypical Atypical clinical findings Atypical pneumonia Highly irregular behavior

Synonym av atypical:

adj atypical, untypical, unrepresentative, abnormal, uncharacteristic, uncharacteristic of
adj irregular, abnormal
adj uncharacteristic, uncharacteristic of

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