Orddeling av classified

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet classified? Ordet kan bli delt i 3 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av classified:

A short ad in a newspaper or magazine (usually in small print) and appearing along with other ads of the same type
Arrange or order by classes or categories
How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?
Declare unavailable, as for security reasons
Classify these documents
Assign to a class or kind
How should algae be classified? People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms
Arranged into classes
Official classification of information or documents
Withheld from general circulation Thousands of classified documents have now been declassified

Synonym av classified:

adj classified, categorized, categorised, grouped, sorted
adj classified, eyes-only, confidential, restricted, secret, sensitive, top-secret

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