Orddeling av combine

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet combine? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av combine:

Harvester that heads and threshes and cleans grain while moving across the field
A consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service
They set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly
An occurrence that results in things being united
Have or possess in combination
She unites charm with a good business sense
Put or add together
Combine resources
Combine so as to form a whole
Mix Compound the ingredients
Add together from different sources
Combine resources
Join for a common purpose or in a common action
These forces combined with others
Gather in a mass, sum, or whole
Mix together different elements
The colors blend well

Synonym av combine:

noun harvester, reaper
noun trust, corporate trust, cartel, consortium, pool, syndicate
noun combining, union
verb compound, add
verb unite, have, feature
verb compound, mix, mingle, commix, unify, amalgamate
verb contribute, give, chip in, kick in
verb interact
verb aggregate, mix, mingle, commix, unify, amalgamate
verb blend, flux, mix, conflate, commingle, immix, fuse, coalesce, meld, merge, change integrity

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