Orddeling av conspicuous

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet conspicuous? Ordet kan bli delt i 4 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av conspicuous:

Obvious to the eye or mind
A tower conspicuous at a great distance Wore conspicuous neckties Made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening
Without any attempt at concealment
Completely obvious Blatant disregard of the law A blatant appeal to vanity A blazing indiscretion

Synonym av conspicuous:

adj conspicuous, obvious, attention-getting, eye-catching, big, large, prominent, bold, crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, rank, featured, in evidence, marked, outstanding, prominent, salient, spectacular, striking, indiscreet
adj blatant, blazing, open, unconcealed

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