Orddeling av convenience

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet convenience? Ordet kan bli delt i 3 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av convenience:

The state of being suitable or opportune
Chairs arranged for his own convenience
The quality of being useful and convenient
They offered the convenience of an installment plan
A toilet that is available to the public
A device or control that is very useful for a particular job

Synonym av convenience:

noun comfort, comfortableness
noun suitability, suitableness
nounpublic toilet, comfort station, public convenience, public lavatory, restroom, toilet facility, wash room, toilet, lavatory, lav, can, john, privy, bathroom, facility
noun appliance, contraption, contrivance, gadget, gizmo, gismo, widget, device

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