Orddeling av insensible

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet insensible? Ordet kan bli delt i 4 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av insensible:

Incapable of physical sensation
Insensible to pain Insensible earth
Unaware of or indifferent to
Insensible to the suffering around him
Barely able to be perceived
The transition was almost indiscernible An almost insensible change
Unresponsive to stimulation
He lay insensible where he had fallen Drugged and senseless

Synonym av insensible:

adj insensible, anesthetic, anaesthetic, anesthetized, anesthetised, anaesthetized, anaesthetised, asleep, benumbed, numb, sedated, insensitive, insensitive, unaware, unconscious
adj unaffected, insensitive
adj indiscernible, undetectable, imperceptible, unperceivable
adj senseless, unconscious

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