Orddeling av intangible

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet intangible? Ordet kan bli delt i 4 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av intangible:

Assets that are saleable though not material or physical
(of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value
Intangible assets such as good will
Incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch
The intangible constituent of energy- James Jeans
Hard to pin down or identify
An intangible feeling of impending disaster
Lacking substance or reality
Incapable of being touched or seen That intangible thing--the soul

Synonym av intangible:

adj intangible
adj intangible, impalpable, abstract
adj unidentifiable
adj nonphysical, immaterial, nonmaterial
nounintangible asset, assets

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