Orddeling av oppose

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet oppose? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av oppose:

Be against
Express opposition to We oppose the ban on abortion
Fight against or resist strongly
The senator said he would oppose the bill Don't fight it!
Contrast with equal weight or force
Set into opposition or rivalry
Let them match their best athletes against ours Pit a chess player against the Russian champion He plays his two children off against each other
Act against or in opposition to
She reacts negatively to everything I say
Be resistant to
The board opposed his motion

Synonym av oppose:

verb argue, contend, debate, fence
verb fight, fight back, fight down, defend, fight, struggle
verb counterbalance, contrast, counterpoint
verb pit, match, play off, confront, face
verb react, act, move
verb controvert, contradict, refute, rebut

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