Orddeling av soybean

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet soybean? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av soybean:

A source of oil
Used for forage and soil improvement and as food
Erect bushy hairy annual herb having trifoliate leaves and purple to pink flowers
Extensively cultivated for food and forage and soil improvement but especially for its nutritious oil-rich seeds Native to Asia
The most highly proteinaceous vegetable known
The fruit of the soybean plant is used in a variety of foods and as fodder (especially as a replacement for animal protein)

Synonym av soybean:

noun soy, soya bean, bean, bean plant
noun soy, soya, soya bean, soybean plant, soja, soja bean, Glycine max, legume, leguminous plant
noun soy, bean, edible bean

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