Orddeling av supporter

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet supporter? Ordet kan bli delt i 3 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av supporter:

A person who backs a politician or a team etc.
All their supporters came out for the game They are friends of the library
Someone who supports or champions something
A person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
My invaluable assistant They hired additional help to finish the work
A band (usually elastic) worn around the leg to hold up a stocking (or around the arm to hold up a sleeve)
A support for the genitals worn by men engaging in strenuous exercise

Synonym av supporter:

noun protagonist, champion, admirer, booster, friend, advocate, advocator, proponent, exponent
noun patron, sponsor, benefactor, helper
noun assistant, helper, help, worker
noun garter, band
nounathletic supporter, suspensor, jockstrap, jock, protective garment

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