Orddeling av unhealthy

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet unhealthy? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av unhealthy:

Not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind
Unhealthy ulcers
Detrimental to health
Not conducive to good health
An unhealthy diet of fast foods An unhealthy climate

Synonym av unhealthy:

adj unhealthy, angry, arthritic, creaky, rheumatic, rheumatoid, rheumy, asthmatic, wheezing, wheezy, bad, unfit, unsound, blebby, blistery, bloated, distended, puffed, puffy, swollen, tumescent, tumid, turgid, bloodshot, cankerous, ulcerated, ulcerous, carbuncled, carbuncular, carious, caseous, chilblained, colicky, flatulent, gassy, cytomegalic, debilitated, enfeebled, infirm, seedy, dehydrated, diseased, morbid, pathologic, pathological, edematous, dropsical, enlarged, foaming, foamy, frothing, gangrenous, mortified, inflamed, inflammatory, ingrowing, ingrown, membranous, membrane-forming, proinflammatory, pro-inflammatory, raw, sore, sallow, sickly, sunburned, sunburnt, varicose, windburned, windburnt, jaundiced, icteric, yellow, mental, sore-eyed, frail, ill, sick, unfit, unwholesome
adj insalubrious, unhealthful, unwholesome
adj unhealthful

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