Orddeling av Burke

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Definisjon av Burke:

British statesman famous for his oratory
Pleaded the cause of the American colonists in British Parliament and defended the parliamentary system (1729-1797)
United States frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West noted for her marksmanship (1852-1903)
Murder without leaving a trace on the body
Get rid of, silence, or suppress
Burke an issue

Synonym av Burke:

noun Burke, Edmund Burke, statesman, solon, national leader, orator, speechmaker, rhetorician, public speaker, speechifier
noun Burk, Martha Jane Burk, Burke, Martha Jane Burke, Calamity Jane, frontierswoman
verb murder, slay, hit, dispatch, bump off, polish off, remove
verb suppress, stamp down, inhibit, subdue, conquer, curb

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