Orddeling av COD

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Definisjon av COD:

The vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)
Lean white flesh of important North Atlantic food fish
Usually baked or poached
Major food fish of Arctic and cold-temperate waters
Fool or hoax
The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone You can't fool me!
Harass with persistent criticism or carping
The children teased the new teacher Don't ride me so hard over my failure His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie
Payable by the recipient on delivery
A collect call The letter came collect A COD parcel
Collecting the charges upon delivery
Mail a package C.O.D.

Synonym av COD:

adj collect, due, owed
noun pod, seedcase, husk
noun codfish, saltwater fish
noun codfish, gadoid, gadoid fish
verb gull, dupe, slang, befool, fool, put on, take in, put one over, put one across, deceive, betray, lead astray
verb tease, razz, rag, tantalize, tantalise, bait, taunt, twit, rally, ride, mock, bemock
adv C.O.D., COD, cash on delivery

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