Orddeling av INS

Prøver du å orddele INS? Ordet kan desverre ikke deles fordi det kun inneholder én stavelse


Definisjon av INS:

An agency in the Department of Justice that enforces laws and regulations for the admission of foreign-born persons to the United States
Holding office
The in party
Directed or bound inward
Took the in bus The in basket
Currently fashionable
The in thing to do Large shoulder pads are in
To or toward the inside of
Come in Smash in the door

Synonym av INS:

nounImmigration and Naturalization Service, INS, agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority
noun inch, in, linear unit
noun indium, In, atomic number 49, metallic element, metal
noun Indiana, Hoosier State, IN, American state

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