Orddeling av breeze

Prøver du å orddele breeze? Ordet kan desverre ikke deles fordi det kun inneholder én stavelse


Definisjon av breeze:

A slight wind (usually refreshing)
The breeze was cooled by the lake As he waited he could feel the air on his neck
Any undertaking that is easy to do
Marketing this product will be no picnic
Blow gently and lightly
It breezes most evenings at the shore
To proceed quickly and easily

Synonym av breeze:

noun zephyr, gentle wind, air, wind, air current, current of air
noun cinch, picnic, snap, duck soup, child's play, pushover, walkover, piece of cake, undertaking, project, task, labor
verb blow
verb travel, go, move, locomote, breeze through

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