Orddeling av clippers

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet clippers? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av clippers:

(electronics) a nonlinear electronic circuit whose output is limited in amplitude
Used to limit the instantaneous amplitude of a waveform (to clip off the peaks of a waveform) A limiter introduces amplitude distortion
A fast sailing ship used in former times
Shears for cutting grass or shrubbery (often used in the plural)
Scissors for cutting hair or finger nails (often used in the plural)

Synonym av clippers:

noun clipper, shear, shears
noun clipper, scissors, pair of scissors
noun limiter, clipper, circuit, electrical circuit, electric circuit
noun clipper, clipper ship, sailing vessel, sailing ship
noun clipper, shear, shears
noun clipper, scissors, pair of scissors

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