Orddeling av condemnation

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet condemnation? Ordet kan bli delt i 4 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av condemnation:

An expression of strong disapproval
Pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable His uncompromising condemnation of racism
(law) the act of condemning (as land forfeited for public use) or judging to be unfit for use (as a food product or an unsafe building)
An appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group
The condition of being strongly disapproved of
He deserved nothing but condemnation
(criminal law) a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed
The conviction came as no surprise

Synonym av condemnation:

noun disapprobation, disapproval
noun disapproval
noun execration, curse, denunciation, denouncement
noun condition, status
noun conviction, judgment of conviction, sentence, final judgment, final decision

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