Orddeling av conventional

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet conventional? Ordet kan bli delt i 4 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av conventional:

Following accepted customs and proprieties
Conventional wisdom She had strayed from the path of conventional behavior Conventional forms of address
Conforming with accepted standards
A conventional view of the world
(weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy
Conventional warfare Conventional weapons
Unimaginative and conformist
Conventional bourgeois lives Conventional attitudes
Represented in simplified or symbolic form
In accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past
A conventional church wedding with the bride in traditional white The conventional handshake
Rigidly formal or bound by convention
Their ceremonious greetings did not seem heartfelt

Synonym av conventional:

adj conventional, accepted, received, customary, stodgy, stuffy, formulaic, formal, unoriginal
adj established, orthodox
adj conventional
adj conventional, button-down, buttoned-down, conservative, square, straight, stereotyped, stereotypic, stereotypical, unimaginative, white-bread
adj formal, schematic, nonrepresentational
adj traditional
adj ceremonious, formal

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