Orddeling av hieratic

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet hieratic? Ordet kan bli delt i 4 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av hieratic:

A cursive form of Egyptian hieroglyphics
Used especially by the priests
Associated with the priesthood or priests
Priestly (or sacerdotal) vestments Hieratic gestures
Written or belonging to a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writing
Hieratic Egyptian script
Adhering to fixed types or methods
Highly restrained and formal The more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved

Synonym av hieratic:

adj priestly, hieratical, sacerdotal, profession, community
adj hieroglyph, hieroglyphic
adj nonrepresentational
nounhieratic script, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic

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