Orddeling av icy

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Definisjon av icy:

Devoid of warmth and cordiality
Expressive of unfriendliness or disdain A frigid greeting Got a frosty reception A frozen look on their faces A glacial handshake Icy stare Wintry smile
Extremely cold
An arctic climate A frigid day Gelid waters of the North Atlantic Glacial winds Icy hands Polar weather
Covered with or containing or consisting of ice
Icy northern waters
Shiny and slick as with a thin coating of ice
Roads and trees glazed with an icy film

Synonym av icy:

adj frigid, frosty, frozen, glacial, wintry, cold
adj arctic, frigid, gelid, glacial, polar, cold
adj frozen
adj glazed, shiny

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