Orddeling av kind

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Definisjon av kind:

A category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality
Sculpture is a form of art What kinds of desserts are there?
Having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature
Used especially of persons and their behavior Kind to sick patients A kind master Kind words showing understanding and sympathy Thanked her for her kind letter
Agreeable, conducive to comfort
A dry climate kind to asthmatics The genial sunshine Hot summer pavements are anything but kind to the feet
Tolerant and forgiving under provocation
Our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke

Synonym av kind:

adj kind, benignant, gracious, benign, charitable, kindly, sympathetic, large-hearted, gentle, kindhearted, benevolent, good, benign, benignant, good-natured, merciful, soft
adj generous
adj genial, benign, benignant
adj sympathetic
adj merciful, humane
adj hospitable
adj helpful
adj tolerant, forgiving
adj thoughtful, considerate
adj good-hearted, kindly, openhearted, benevolent, good
noun sort, form, variety, category

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