Orddeling av military

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet military? Ordet kan bli delt i 3 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av military:

The military forces of a nation
Their military is the largest in the region The military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker
Of or relating to the study of the principles of warfare
Military law
Characteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military
Military uniforms
Associated with or performed by members of the armed services as contrasted with civilians
Military police

Synonym av military:

adj discipline, subject, subject area, subject field, field, field of study, study, bailiwick, branch of knowledge
adj military, militaristic, soldierly, soldierlike, warriorlike, martial, warlike, martial
adj military, martial, combatant, expeditionary, noncombatant
nounarmed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine, force, personnel

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