Orddeling av noisy

Prøver du å orddele noisy? Ordet kan desverre ikke deles fordi det kun inneholder én stavelse


Definisjon av noisy:

Full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds
A noisy cafeteria A small noisy dog
Attracting attention by showiness or bright colors
A noisy sweater

Synonym av noisy:

adj noisy, blatant, clamant, clamorous, strident, vociferous, abuzz, buzzing, droning, clangorous, clanging, clattering, clattery, creaking, creaky, screaky, crying, howling, yelling, shouting, hissing, rackety, rip-roaring, uproarious, reedy, wheezy, screaming, screeching, shrieking, stertorous, swishing, swishy, whining, whirring, clanking, spluttering, sputtering, thundering, cacophonous, cacophonic, loud

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