Orddeling av repellent

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet repellent? Ordet kan bli delt i 3 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av repellent:

A compound with which fabrics are treated to repel water
A chemical substance that repels animals
The power to repel
She knew many repellents to his advances
Serving or tending to repel
He became rebarbative and prickly and spiteful I find his obsequiousness repellent
Highly offensive
Arousing aversion or disgust A disgusting smell Distasteful language A loathsome disease The idea of eating meat is repellent to me Revolting food A wicked stench
Incapable of absorbing or mixing with
A water-repellent fabric Plastic highly resistant to steam and water

Synonym av repellent:

adj rebarbative, repellant, unpleasant
adj disgusting, disgustful, distasteful, foul, loathly, loathsome, repellant, repelling, revolting, skanky, wicked, yucky, offensive
adj resistant, nonabsorbent, nonabsorptive
noun repellant, compound, chemical compound
noun repellant, compound, chemical compound
noun repellant, power, powerfulness

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