Orddeling av restraint

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet restraint? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av restraint:

The act of controlling by restraining someone or something
The unlawful restraint of trade
Discipline in personal and social activities
He was a model of polite restraint She never lost control of herself
The state of being physically constrained
Dogs should be kept under restraint
A rule or condition that limits freedom
Legal restraints Restraints imposed on imports
Lack of ornamentation
The room was simply decorated with great restraint
A device that retards something's motion
The car did not have proper restraints fitted

Synonym av restraint:

noun control
noun control, discipline
noun constraint, confinement
noun restriction, limitation
noun chasteness, simplicity, plainness
noun constraint, device

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