Orddeling av rip

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Definisjon av rip:

A dissolute man in fashionable society
An opening made forcibly as by pulling apart
There was a rip in his pants She had snags in her stockings
A stretch of turbulent water in a river or the sea caused by one current flowing into or across another current
The act of rending or ripping or splitting something
He gave the envelope a vigorous rip
Tear or be torn violently
The curtain ripped from top to bottom Pull the cooked chicken into strips
Move precipitously or violently
The tornado ripped along the coast
Cut (wood) along the grain
Criticize or abuse strongly and violently
The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly

Synonym av rip:

noun rake, profligate, blood, roue, libertine, debauchee, rounder
noun rent, snag, split, tear, opening, gap
noun riptide, tide rip, crosscurrent, countercurrent, turbulence, turbulency
noun rent, split, tear
verb rend, rive, pull, tear, rupture, snap, bust
verb tear, shoot, shoot down, charge, buck
verb cut
verb attack, round, assail, lash out, snipe, assault

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