Orddeling av rupee

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet rupee? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av rupee:

The basic unit of money in Sri Lanka
Equal to 100 cents
The basic unit of money in Seychelles
Equal to 100 cents
The basic unit of money in Nepal
Equal to 100 paisa
The basic unit of money in Mauritius
Equal to 100 cents
The basic unit of money in Pakistan
Equal to 100 paisa
The basic unit of money in India
Equal to 100 paise

Synonym av rupee:

nounSri Lanka rupee, Sri Lankan monetary unit
nounSeychelles rupee, Seychelles monetary unit
nounNepalese rupee, Nepalese monetary unit
nounMauritian rupee, Mauritian monetary unit
nounPakistani rupee, Pakistani monetary unit
nounIndian rupee, Indian monetary unit

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