Orddeling av substantial

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet substantial? Ordet kan bli delt i 3 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av substantial:

Fairly large
Won by a substantial margin
Having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or considerable
Substantial equivalents
Having substance or capable of being treated as fact
Not imaginary The substantial world A mere dream
Neither substantial nor practical
Most ponderous and substantial things- Shakespeare
Providing abundant nourishment
A hearty meal Good solid food Ate a substantial breakfast Four square meals a day
Of good quality and condition
Solidly built A solid foundation Several substantial timber buildings

Synonym av substantial:

adj significant, considerable
adj substantive, in essence, essential
adj substantial, real, material, material
adj hearty, satisfying, solid, wholesome
adj solid, strong, sound

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