Orddeling av swim

Prøver du å orddele swim? Ordet kan desverre ikke deles fordi det kun inneholder én stavelse


Definisjon av swim:

The act of swimming
It was the swimming they enjoyed most: they took a short swim in the pool
Travel through water
We had to swim for 20 minutes to reach the shore A big fish was swimming in the tank
Be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom
Be dizzy or giddy
My brain is swimming after the bottle of champagne
Be covered with or submerged in a liquid
The meat was swimming in a fatty gravy
Move as if gliding through water
This snake swims through the soil where it lives

Synonym av swim:

noun swimming, water sport, aquatics
verb travel, go, move, locomote
verb float, travel, go, move, locomote

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