Orddeling av tasteful

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet tasteful? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av tasteful:

Having or showing or conforming to good taste
Free from what is tawdry or unbecoming
A neat style A neat set of rules She hated to have her neat plans upset

Synonym av tasteful:

adj tasteful, aesthetic, esthetic, artistic, pleasing, understated, unostentatious, unpretentious, elegant, unpretentious
adj tasteful, ambrosial, ambrosian, nectarous, bitter, bitterish, bittersweet, semisweet, choice, dainty, tasty, delectable, delicious, luscious, pleasant-tasting, scrumptious, toothsome, yummy, flavored, flavoured, seasoned, flavorful, flavourful, flavorous, flavourous, flavorsome, flavoursome, sapid, saporous, fruity, full-bodied, rich, robust, piquant, savory, savoury, spicy, zesty, salty, salt, smoky, sour, sweet, winy, winey, grapey, grapy, nutty, nutlike, appetizing, appetising, palatable, pungent, salt, sour, sweet
adj neat, refined, elegant

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