Orddeling av trespass

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet trespass? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av trespass:

A wrongful interference with the possession of property (personal property as well as realty), or the action instituted to recover damages
Entry to another's property without right or permission
Enter unlawfully on someone's property
Don't trespass on my land!
Make excessive use of
You are taking advantage of my good will! She is trespassing upon my privacy
Break the law
Commit a sin
Violate a law of God or a moral law
Pass beyond (limits or boundaries)

Synonym av trespass:

noun tort, civil wrong
noun encroachment, violation, intrusion, usurpation, wrongdoing, wrongful conduct, misconduct, actus reus
verb intrude, transgress, offend, infract, violate, go against, breach, break
verbtake advantage, use
verb transgress, offend, infract, violate, go against, breach, break
verb sin, transgress, transgress, offend, infract, violate, go against, breach, break
verb transgress, overstep, pass, go through, go across

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