Orddeling av vent

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Definisjon av vent:

A hole for the escape of gas or air
External opening of urinary or genital system of a lower vertebrate
A fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt
A slit in a garment (as in the back seam of a jacket)
Activity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion
She had no other outlet for her feelings He gave vent to his anger
Give expression or utterance to
She vented her anger The graduates gave vent to cheers
Expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen
Air the old winter clothes Air out the smoke-filled rooms

Synonym av vent:

noun venthole, vent-hole, blowhole, hole
noun orifice, opening, porta
noun volcano, crack, cleft, crevice, fissure, scissure
noun slit
noun release, outlet, activity
verb ventilate, give vent, express, show, evince
verb ventilate, air out, air, refresh, freshen

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