Orddeling av ways

Prøver du å orddele ways? Ordet kan desverre ikke deles fordi det kun inneholder én stavelse


Definisjon av ways:

Structure consisting of a sloping way down to the water from the place where ships are built or repaired
To a great degree or by a great distance
Very much (`right smart' is regional in the United States) Way over budget Way off base The other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on

Synonym av ways:

noun way, distance
noun shipway, slipway, structure, construction
noun manner, mode, style, way, fashion, property
noun means, agency, way, implementation, effectuation
noun way, journey, journeying
noun way, condition, status
noun way, path, way of life, course, course of action
noun way, artifact, artefact
noun direction, way, path, route, itinerary
noun way, distance
noun way, choice, pick, selection
noun way, category
noun room, way, elbow room, position, spatial relation
noun way, share, portion, part, percentage
adv n-ways

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