Orddeling av weather

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet weather? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av weather:

The atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation
They were hoping for good weather Every day we have weather conditions and yesterday was no exception The conditions were too rainy for playing in the snow
Face and withstand with courage
She braved the elements
Cause to slope
Sail to the windward of
Change under the action or influence of the weather
A weathered old hut
Towards the side exposed to wind

Synonym av weather:

adj upwind, windward
nounweather condition, atmospheric condition, atmospheric phenomenon
verb endure, brave, brave out, defy, withstand, hold, hold up
verb lean, tilt, tip, slant, angle
verb sail
verb decay, crumble, delapidate

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