Orddeling av nonstandard

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet nonstandard? Ordet kan bli delt i 3 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av nonstandard:

Not conforming to the language usage of a prestige group within a community
A nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups The common core of nonstandard words and phrases in folk speech- A.R.Dunlap
Varying from or not adhering to a standard
Nonstandard windows Envelopes of nonstandard sizes Nonstandard lengths of board
Not standard
Not accepted as a model of excellence A nonstandard text

Synonym av nonstandard:

adj nonstandard, bad, unacceptable, unaccepted
adj nonstandard, deficient, inferior, substandard, nonnormative
adj nonstandard

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