Orddeling av stiffness

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet stiffness? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av stiffness:

The physical property of being inflexible and hard to bend
The property of moving with pain or difficulty
He awoke with a painful stiffness in his neck
Firm resoluteness in purpose or opinion or action
A charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity
The inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment)
Excessive sternness
Severity of character The harshness of his punishment was inhuman The rigors of boot camp

Synonym av stiffness:

noun inelasticity
noun awkwardness, clumsiness
noun awkwardness, clumsiness, gracelessness, inelegance
noun severity, harshness, rigor, rigour, inclemency, hardness, sternness, strictness

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