Orddeling av outrage

Lurer du på hvor du skal dele det Engelske ordet outrage? Ordet kan bli delt i 2 deler, som vist under.


Definisjon av outrage:

A feeling of righteous anger
A wantonly cruel act
A disgraceful event
The act of scandalizing
Strike with disgust or revulsion
The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends
Violate the sacred character of a place or language
Desecrate a cemetery Violate the sanctity of the church Profane the name of God
Force (someone) to have sex against their will
The woman was raped on her way home at night

Synonym av outrage:

noun indignation, anger, choler, ire
noun atrocity, inhumanity
noun scandal, trouble
noun scandalization, scandalisation, insult, affront
verb shock, offend, scandalize, scandalise, appal, appall, disgust, revolt, nauseate, sicken, churn up
verb desecrate, profane, violate, assail, assault, set on, attack
verb rape, ravish, violate, assault, dishonor, dishonour, assail, assault, set on, attack

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